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Crowning Achievements:
The Crimped and Cutting Edge in Bottle-Cap Sculpture

Chicago, Fall 1994

To my knowledge, this was the largest show ever of bottle-cap art, sponsored by Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art

Aron Packer and I co-curated the show, which included the first large-scale exhibit of Clarence and Grace Woolsey's work since their own Pioneer Caparena in Iowa in 1972.

  • First: the Woolsey's Three Bears

  • Second: Half of the Woolsey centerpiece. Full images of the tree, the pyramid/cross structure and the mailbox can be viewed separately on my Woolsey page.

  • Third & Fourth: Two more sections of the Woolsey centerpiece. The bicycle is a full-size scale model. The wheels are actual rims but the rest is bottle caps. In the background is a mirror and "The All Seeing Eye" by contemporary bottle-cap artist Rick Ladd.

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